from part of a 9-foot painting by Stephen Lau
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Stephen Lau

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Herbal Remedies
The Origin of Chinese Health

Chinese natural healing begins when health returns to its original state. According to traditional wisdom, Chinese health and healing is built on the premise of the following: qi (internal life energy); blood; jing (essence) and shen (spirit)


Qi is yang energy. It is important because it "moves" your body. Qi is the source of growth in your body. It can be replenished and fed. Qi is always in motion in the form of ascending, descending, entering, and leaving your body's organs and systems. Therefore, its motion should not be obstructed, especially since qi is responsible for transforming your food energy into blood. In addition to nourishing your blood and keeping it flowing, qi helps maintain your body's temperature. Qi plays a vital role in Chinese health and Chinese natural healing.


Blood is a yin substance. Chinese health and healing does not conceptualize blood and its processes in the same manner as Western medicine does. Food energy is transformed into blood, which is circulated around your body by the coordination of qi in the heart and in the chest.

Disharmony of the blood can result in "deficient blood" and "congealed blood." The former may lead to failure of the blood to nourish an organ or the body as a whole, resulting in palpitations and dizziness. The latter may lead to blockage, resulting in swelling and tumors. Therefore, blood is important to Chinese health and Chinese natural healing.


Jing is essence or the underlying substance of all organic life. It supports and nourishes your body. Jing is responsible for long-term change and development. In Chinese health and Chinese natural healing, jing is the initiator of a cycle of eight-year maturation, the absence of which is the cause of sexual dysfunction, infertility, premature aging, and inherited disorders.


Shen is a yang substance, which is the "spirit" of your body, manifested in your consciousness, personality, intellect, and other abstract qualities. Shen's disharmony results in confused or distorted thinking, insomnia, and other mental and psychological disorders.

These four elements form the foundation of Chinese health and Chinese natural healing.

According to Taoism, the qi from Heaven (which is yang) flows downwards into Earth (which is yin), and the qi from Earth flows upwards. Man (a combination of yin and yang)lies between Heaven and Earth. The interaction of yin and yang becomes the dynamic of qi, the primary energetic force from which the basic substance of all life and matter is formed. Qi is responsible for the balance of yin and yang, expressed in blood, jing, and shen (also known as the Three Treasures) for Chinese health and healing.

The Beginning of Chinese Health and Healing

Yin and yang form the basis of creation, and so they are also creators of disharmony. Chinese health and healing begins when there is balance and harmony of yin and yang in the Five Elements of your body. Go to: The Pillar of Chinese Healing to understand what the Five Elements are.

Disease means disharmony in the body and the mind, and the English word "dis-ease" is the perfect translation for the Taoist concept of illness. Therefore, according to Taoism, healing is "returning to the roots" or "renewing life." Natural healing will not begin until you stop "wearing out" your body and mind.

Chinese healing is a long and slow process, and you have to be very patient. Remember, Nature cannot be rushed.

Are you still sick?

Chinese health is evidenced in your body, mind, and spirit. In the process of recovery. Examine your body to see if the natural healing process has begun.

Your tongue

For centuries, the Chinese have extensively used the tongue to diagnose disease and to determine an individual's overall health.

Look at your tongue in the mirror: closely observe the size, the shape, the contour surface, the margins, and the color of your tongue.

Any discoloration indicates a disorder present in your body

Black to brown color -- disorder in the large intestine

Bluish color -- defect in the heart

  Pale color -- lack of blood in the body

Red color -- disorder in the liver

Yellow-green color -- defect in the liver

  Whitish -- mucous formation, disorder in the stomach

Any depression on the surface may also indicate a problem.

Different parts of your tongue are related to different parts or organs of your body, and their conditions mirror their disorders: for example, crooked line in the center of the tongue may indicate backache; white in the center may indicate a toxic colon; cracks in the tongue may indicate colon disorder; small dots at the center of the tongue may indicate some heart disorder; dots on the inner sides of the tongue may indicate kidney disorder; and dots on the tip of the tongue may indicate lung disorder.
.Your eyes

The Chinese believe that the eyes are "the windows" of your soul. As such, they are good indicators of your internal health.

A healthy body has bright and lustrous eyes with no discoloration in the whites. On the other hand, baggy eyes with dark circles often mirror kidney malfunction.

Eyes that blink frequently show problems in the large intestine. Excessive blinking is indicative of anxiety or mental problems.

A white ring around your iris may show calcium depletion, excess salt or sugar, deterioration of joints.

Brownish-black spots in the iris are indicative of excessive iron in the intestine.

Prominent and projecting eyeballs reflect thyroid

Puffy lower eyelids indicate dysfunction in your kidneys.

Your facial lines

Your face is a mirror of your mind. Aside from age, the lines and wrinkles on your face may also indicate any disorder you may have.

Horizontal wrinkles on your forehead (even if you are young) are lines of anxieties and worries.

A vertical line on the right side between your two eyebrows shows you are repressing your anger, causing disorder in your liver.

A vertical line on the left side between your two eyebrows shows you are repressing your emotions, causing disorder in your heart.

Your lips

Dry and cracked lips indicate dehydration or dysfunction in the large intestine.

Bluish lips reflect heart problems.

Pale lips indicate anemia.

Brownish spots are indicative of chronic indigestion.

Your nails

Any discoloration in nails of your fingers and toes may be a sign of mineral dysfunction, and nutritional imbalances.

A bluish nail is symptomatic of delicate lungs and heart.

A red nail is a sign of cardiac dysfunction.

Your bowls

Bowels are healthy discharge of food wastes, not removal of body toxins. As such, they should be soft and formed, not loose, unformed, or greasy. In addition, beware of any offensive odor that may indicate fermentation and putrefaction of accumulated wastes in your body.

Your urine

According to Chinese health, if you are healthy, your urine should be light with a slight color and no pungent odor, although large intake of vitamin C may turn your urine slightly yellowish. Dehydration and toxicity often precipitate dark yellow and frothy urine.

Your sleep

Sleep is your daily basic need for wellness. Sleep, like diet and exercise, is important for your body and mind to function normally. Your sleep pattern is a good gauge of your health conditions. Disturbed sleep, or sleep requiring medications, is never healthy. For more on restful sleep, go to The Pillar of Health Rejuvenation.

True Health for Recovery and Rejuvenation

True health is a physical, mental, and spiritual state that demands a higher level of vitality, giving you the vibrant energy to perform your daily and lifelong tasks effectively and joyfully.

Your self-knowledge enables not only appreciation of your positive traits but also self-acceptance of who you are.

Maintaining a strong sense of self connects you to a greater natural healing force, which is important to you, especially when your are confronted by pain, disease, or disorder.

You are what you eat, and you are what you think, and you are what you believe in. This sums up what true health is.

Chinese health is based on thousands of years of wisdom in the art of living well and natural healing.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau
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Myasthenia Gravis Disorder

Increase Mind Power

Vision Healing